Creating a Buzz with Your Construction Fence
Starting a Livermore construction site? Then you’ll need porta potties and construction fence rentals to ensure that your workers are looked after and the area is properly fenced off.
Construction fencing ensures the safety of passers-by. It also secures building materials and equipment on site. Why not get some extra mileage out of the construction fencing? Use it as a marketing tool to create a bit of a buzz in the surrounding suburbs.
Pique their curiosity
By its very nature, privacy fencing piques curiosity. Ensure that the fencing completely encloses the site. Then add privacy screens to the chain link fencing and shield the area from sight.
Privacy fencing will also help to keep your goods secure since nobody can see the materials and equipment on the site.
Construction site advertising and branding don’t cost much. So, place some advertising boards on the construction fences. These can include the name of the developer and the builders. Creating brand awareness is good for all involved.
A “coming to your area soon” sign should increase the anticipation. You could even ask questions like “What is this fence hiding?” or “Guess what’s going on behind this fence?”.
Do something different on all sides of the fence. This will get people even more curious and talking about your project. By law, you have to place safety signs on the fencing, so you may as well use this as another branding opportunity.
Place small logos on the safety signs so people who see them may remember you when they need work done.
Prepare for the big day
Prepare for the big day by planning all your Livermore construction site needs. Place your orders for porta potty and construction fence rentals well in advance. This way, you ensure that construction can start as soon as your workers walk onto site.
To know more about Construction fence rentals Livermore and Porta potty rentals Livermore please stay with our
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