Why would you need a temporary construction fence?

When you think of your next construction project, temporary fencing probably isn’t the first thing that jumps into your mind. Yet it can be a critical part of your construction experience. We turned to a well-known construction fence rental company in Oakland, CA, for more insight on the matter. What does construction fencing do? Temporary fencing allows you to create zones on the construction property. This is particularly helpful if you still have staff or visitors coming onto the premises while the work is underway, as it leaves everyone clear on where they should be. In fact, many construction companies use it expressly to demarcate specific project areas where PPE or prior authorization is needed. It can also be used for creating ‘roads’ and paths for heavy equipment to safely travel without foot traffic interfering. Believe it or not, it is actually a successful theft deterrent, too. Out of sight, out of mind can be surprisingly efficient at protecting equipment and mat...